Bible Readings

Have you ever thought about the idea of going on an adventurous journey to read the Bible from beginning to end? In this video series we'll be reading and listening to the Bible from cover to cover from mostly The Scriptures Translation.

Whether you are seeking spiritual enlightenment, historical knowledge, or simply a personal challenge, reading the Bible cover to cover can be a fulfilling and transformative experience. I’m excited to take this journey with you as I’ve always wanted to do this, too! It is my aspiration that you will be motivated and encouraged by listening to the Word of Yah and acquire wisdom and knowledge to strengthen your faith.

Many people have asked me what translation I use when I post scriptures on my YouTube community tab. You can find the links below to get your own hard copy here if you’d like. Thank you to all who continue to support the work I'm doing; I truly appreciate you! If you feel led to support, you can donate on this page.